Ignacio Cruz-Cruz

Mr. Ignacio Cruz-Cruz
Head of WInd Energy Department

Ignacio Cruz has been developing applied research since 1991 in renewable energy conversion technology, mainly in wind energy but also in photovoltaic solar and hybrid solutions, both isolated and connected to the grid with different storage solutions, and has been responsible since 2005 of the Wind Energy Unit of the CIEMAT Department of Energy.

His research in recent years has focused on the development of distributed wind generation in which he has coordinated several international research groups (Task 27 (IEA), REGEDIS (CYTED), TC88 (IEC). He is the author of more than thirty scientific publications, a dozen book chapters, three patents and more than a hundred contributions to conferences. He has participated as a researcher in forty projects financed by public institutions and private companies, being principal investigator in twelve of them. He has been evaluator (EU, third parties and country agencies), and teaches wind energy in several Masters in Renewable Energies.